Enforcement Actions - U

Using the first letter of the individual’s last name, select the letter group below that corresponds. This will display enforcement actions for the corresponding letter group.


Each page of the Enforcement Actions section is divided into subsections for citations, administrative actions, and convictions. You should check each subsection to see if an enforcement action has been taken against the individual you are seeking.


Loren Harry Uridel

Marina Del Rey—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $1,000 administrative fine to Loren Harry Uridel, architect license number C-13482, for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code (BPC) section 5536.22(a) and California Code of Regulations (CCR) title 16, section 160(f).

On or around June 27, 2019, Uridel prepared a written contract to provide a contractor with a “builder-permit architectural set of drawings” for a salon tenant improvement project located in Los Angeles, California. Uridel was provided with an initial retainer of $2,500 by the owner of the salon (R.T.), and Uridel directed all further correspondence and invoices to R.T. Once Uridel determined that the owner of the salon, not the contractor, had become his client, he should have documented the change or entered into a new contract containing the name and address of the client. Failure to do so was a violation of BPC sections 5536.22(a) and 5536.22(a)(3). The contract also failed to include a description of the procedure to be used by either party to terminate the contract, a violation of BPC section 5536.22(a)(5).

In his invoice to R.T. dated October 17, 2019, Uridel billed $21,663.90 for professional services accrued on an hourly basis, including work that was beyond the scope of the signed agreement, such as coordination with other work on the property, MEP services and coordination, agency approvals, and additional project requirements determined by the city. Uridel thus materially altered the scope or objective of the project without fully informing the client and obtaining the consent of the client in writing, a violation of CCR title 16, section 160(f).

In the Spring of 2020, Uridel filed a lawsuit against the client for non-payment of his invoice. In September 2020 the lawsuit was settled between the parties. As an express condition of the settlement prepared by Uridel’s attorney, R.T. was required to retract his complaint filed with the Board. The inclusion of this provision was a violation of BPC section 143.5(a). Uridel paid the fine, satisfying the citation. The citation became final on March 9, 2021.

Roger Phillip Utt

San Diego—The Board issued a one-count citation that included a $2,500 administrative fine to Roger Phillip Utt, an unlicensed individual, for an alleged violation of BPC 5536(a) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect). The action alleged that Utt executed a contract to provide consultation, design, construction documents and drawings to obtain a building permit for a project located in San Diego, California. Utt’s contract and personal check identified himself as an "architect" indicating to the public he was qualified to engage in the practice of architecture. The citation became final on October 23, 2014.

Disciplinary Actions

David A. Udkow

Scottsdale, AZ—Effective March 30, 2020, David A. Udkow’s architect license number C-8912 was revoked, and he thereby lost all rights and privileges as an architect in California. The action was a result of a Default Decision and Order, which was adopted by the Board on February 28, 2020.

An Accusation was filed against Udkow for alleged violations of Business and Professions Code sections 5586 (Discipline by a Public Agency), 5579 (Fraud in Obtaining License), 5582, and 5582.1, and California Code of Regulations, title 16, section 151 (Aiding Unlawful Practice).

The Accusation alleged that on or about August 22, 2012, the Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Residential Design (Nevada Board) adopted a Settlement Agreement and Order that disciplined Udkow for (1) reviewing and sealing architectural drawings for three projects in Las Vegas, Nevada for submittal to the building department that were not prepared under his responsible control; (2) aiding an unauthorized person to practice architecture in Nevada; and (3) not executing a written contract with the client before providing professional services. On or about October 1, 2012, Udkow surrendered his architect license to the Nevada Board.

Udkow also was disciplined by the Colorado Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors (Colorado Board) and the Montana Board of Architects and Landscape Architects (Montana Board) on January 21, 2014, and April 7, 2015, respectively, based upon the action that was taken against him by the Nevada Board. The Colorado Board issued a Letter of Admonition to Udkow, and the Montana Board suspended his license through a Final Order by Default.

A review of Udkow’s 2013 and 2015 California Architect License Renewal Applications dated June 20, 2013, and May 25, 2015, respectively, revealed that he had indicated under penalty of perjury that he had not been disciplined by a public agency during either of the previous two-year renewal cycles.

On or about March 2, 2016, an Ohio architect issued a “Consultant Work Authorization” to Udkow to “Review/Sign/Seal plans for Landlord and City submittal” for a fee of $1,700 to obtain a building permit for a business referred to as BTG in Torrance, CA. The next day, Udkow signed and stamped the construction documents, which had not been prepared by him, or under his responsible control.


There are no convictions to display.