California Architects

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2020 Edition, Issue 1


A Publication of the California Architects Board ■ Public Protection Through Examination, Licensure, and Regulation

Exam Statistics

Performance statistics of the California candidates for the Architect Registration Examination (ARE 5.0) for 2019 are in the below table.

Architect Registration Examination (ARE) 5.0

Performance Statistics for Divisions Taken by California Candidates in 2019.

Division Divisions Administered Total Passed Total Failed
Divisions Passed Divisions Failed
Construction & Evaluation 785 488 62% 297 38%
Practice Management 1679 740 44% 939 56%
Programming & Analysis 1271 552 43% 719 57%
Project Development & Documentation 1358 592 44% 766 56%
Project Management 1164 652 56% 512 44%
Project Planning & Design 1697 577 34% 1120 66%
Total Divisions Administered 7954 3601 45% 4353 55%

The pass rate for California Supplemental Exam (CSE) administrations in 2019 is displayed in the following table:

California Supplemental Examination (CSE)

Performance Statistics for Administrations Taken by California Candidates in 2019.

Pass Fail
Candidate Type Total Rate Total Rate TOTAL
Instate First-time 419 72% 167 28% 586
Instate Repeat 233 59% 161 41% 394
Reciprocity First-time 128 54% 107 46% 235
Reciprocity Repeat 52 61% 33 39% 85
Relicensure First-time 4 50% 4 50% 8
Relicensure Repeat 0 0% 3 100% 3
TOTAL 836 64% 475 36% 1311